Cactus Wren

For the birds

Kristine Preston steps softly onto UC Irvine’s Ecological Preserve, 62 acres of cheerful wildflowers and sweet-smelling sage scrub tucked above University Hills. “We had a pair of birds using this plant two days ago, which is just incredible,” she whispers, pointing to a large prickly pear cactus. The 40-year-old plant is one of a whole […]

Mei Zhan

Chinese medicine goes global

Anthropology professor studies evolution of traditional practice among rural poor into lucrative industry embraced by Americans.

Dr. Ralph Clayman

Medical school dean’s singular focus: healing

Dr. Ralph Clayman brings surgical precision and a singular focus on healing to his new role as medical school dean.

Telescope tuner’s focus: sharper images

UCI physicist Gary Chanan focuses on fine-tuning the world’s largest telescopes.

Veteran student pictures a better life

Camera in hand, Gilberto Cardenas has chronicled his journey from soldier to undergrad researcher. His photographs have appeared in international scientific journals.

UCI physics & astronomy professor to be awarded Van Biesbroeck Prize

Virginia Trimble, UCI physics & astronomy professor, will receive the 2010 George Van Biesbroeck Prize from the American Astronomical Society.…

Dr. Ralph Clayman

Patient advocate

Levity, gossip and idle chitchat have no place in Dr. Ralph Clayman’s operating room. The pioneer in minimally invasive surgery once asked a gabby colleague to leave in the middle of an operation because the chatterbox lacked focus. Clayman, a urologist so dedicated he gives his home phone number to patients, makes no apologies for […]

Ten UCI professors named new AAAS fellows

The American Association for the Advancement of Science has named 10 UC Irvine professors new fellows. In all, 115 UCI…

Central Valley water

The view from space is not pretty as satellites show California groundwater being pumped for irrigation in unsustainable quantities.

Orchards wither in the dry fields near Interstate 5

Water: California’s disappearing resource

The view from space is not pretty as satellites show California groundwater being pumped for irrigation in unsustainable quantities.