‘Common Ground’
Curated by students, new exhibition of early 20th century paintings explores mutuality among 3 SoCal artist colonies
Curated by students, new exhibition of early 20th century paintings explores mutuality among 3 SoCal artist colonies
Annual campus fundraiser supports promising studies, including Stopgap trial
Student volunteers with Engineers Without Borders aim to improve quality of life in underserved communities worldwide
With scholarship help, first-gen college student prepares for role as change-maker
U.C.I. Experience initiative seeks to optimize inclusive excellence
Alec Glasser Center for the Power of Music and Social Change empowers individuals and communities
Campus’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute offers array of classes, trips for anyone interested in continuing their education
UC Irvine student group provides oral health education and dental hygiene kits to low-income communities
Endowment award helps Giovanna Mancinelli serve as technology user advocate