Physical Sciences

Woman standing with arms akimbo in front of dark space backdrop with stars and planets.

UC Irvine astronomers gauge livability of exoplanets orbiting white dwarf stars

Computer model comparison reveals rotational factors contributing to habitability

Head shot photos of two men.

Two UC Irvine faculty members elected to National Academy of Engineering

Kyriacos Athanasiou and Eric Rignot recognized for outstanding research leadership

People on the outside deck of an ocean research vessel at sea.

Climate change is overhauling marine nutrient cycles, UC Irvine scientists say

The research is the first field-based confirmation of such climate impacts

UC Irvine scientists design bioluminescent RNA

The “RNA lanterns” promise to reveal secrets of viruses and human memory

UC Irvine researchers reveal superconductivity secrets of an iron-based material

Findings could spur advancements in quantum computing and electronics

Two people walking through burned trees in a forest landscape.

California wildfires have become more severe, killing more trees, UC Irvine researchers find

More state forests are vulnerable to wildfire due to climate change

composite photograph of three male scientists.

A trick of light: UC Irvine researchers turn silicon into direct bandgap semiconductor

Discovery enables manufacturing of ultrathin solar panels, advanced optoelectronics

UC Irvine scientists uncovering link between gut E. coli and Parkinson’s disease

The interdisciplinary team identifies potential gut microbiome origins of disorder

UC Irvine scientists identify potential deep-ocean greenhouse gas storage solution

Marine bacteria could store carbon long-term as complex organic molecules

Distinguished visitors

Autonomous University of Hidalgo delegation visit strengthens institutions’ academic and research connections