UCI Podcast: Navigating stress related to the holiday season
Psychologist Naomi Tabak shares how to approach challenging conversations with loved ones
Psychologist Naomi Tabak shares how to approach challenging conversations with loved ones
Eclectic campus radio station KUCI turns 55
Chang Liu’s Science study outlines improvements to the gene evolution system his lab developed
Undergraduates involved in voter initiatives on campus speak out
On The UCI Podcast, the law professor shares how the Korematsu Center and his students can make a difference
Belinda Campos discusses PRIME-LC and cultural components that promote health
Mark Deppe talks about his successful program and new teams of superstar gamers
Psychologist Jessica Borelli offers strategies for easing the ‘back to school’ transition
Political scientists Louis DeSipio and Tony Smith discuss key takeaways and what’s next
Lucas Hilderbrand’s new book teaches timely lessons for Pride Month