Erenkrantz named president of prominent open-source software foundation

UC Irvine doctoral student Justin Erenkrantz was recently appointed president of the Apache Software Foundation, one of the world’s largest…

Center of attention

Built on a grand scale, a new student center becomes the campus’s long-awaited social hub

Chair of surgery honored with distinguished service award

Dr. David B. Hoyt, the John E. Connolly M.D. Professor and Chair of Surgery, has been awarded with the American…

University of California, Irvine Medal recipients announced

Recipients of UC Irvine’s highest honor, the Medal, were announced Wednesday, May 9, and will be feted at a gala…

Energy minded

Kathy Haq is helping to tell the world about UCI’s National Fuel Cell Research Center

From many, one

Campus Architect Rebekah Gladson blends a variety of styles into a cohesive whole

On the record

Professor emeritus Spencer Olin puts county and campus in historical perspective

Thanks for the memories

UCI neuroscientist James McGaugh recalls the campus’s pioneer days

Designing woman

UCI architect builds upon successful portfolio

Shake, rattle and roll

Earthquake simulations offer young students the thrills – and spills – of university research