Month: May 2010

Sept. 11 attacks linked to increased male baby miscarriages

Stress caused by psychological shock from the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, felt even by people with no direct link to the event, may have led to an increase in male children being miscarried in the U.S.

UC Irvine News Brief: Professor gets Howard Hughes grant to improve biology teaching

The four-year, $600,000 award is a continuation of funding Diane O’Dowd originally received in 2006.


UCI scientists map the skies as they appeared 10 billion years ago and find that bright galaxies liked to cluster together.

UCI doctors Kristi L. Koenig and Carl H. Schultz

Masters of disaster

UCI doctors Kristi Koenig and Carl Schultz wrote the book on disaster medicine. Its publication comes amid debate on the way medical care is delivered in a crisis.

Jeff Greenberg, Stephen Jenks and Sung-Jin Kim

Incubating innovation

UCI’s new TechPortal smooths the road from invention to successful commercialization of university-based inventions.

UC Irvine Advisory: Leading local science fiction writers to discuss O.C.’s influence on author Philip K. Dick

A panel of acclaimed local science fiction writers come to UC Irvine to discuss how Philip K. Dick – author of some of the bleakest and most influential science fiction in American literature – was influenced by Orange County, where he spent the last 10 years of his life.

a Haitian boy receives treatment at a medical clinic at the United Nations Stabilization Mission's logistics base

Hope for Haiti’s future

As Haiti begins rebuilding after a devastating earthquake, three UCI professors discuss how it could emerge a stronger country.

Francis Crinella

Don’t try to label him

Francis Crinella’s name is known to wine lovers and academics alike, and in both arenas his commitment to excellence stands out.

UC Irvine News Brief: Dr. Sandor Szabo elected to Hungarian Academy of Sciences

A UC Irvine pathology and pharmacology professor, the Hungarian national was made an international member of the medical sciences section.

UC Irvine News Brief: Neurobiologist, author will discuss quest to explain memory

Terry McDermott’s new book, “101 Theory Drive,” profiles Gary Lynch’s research team and the high-pressure stakes of scientific discovery.