Month: May 2010

UC Irvine News Brief: Pontell testifies on financial fraud

Henry Pontell, professor of criminology, law & society, testifies before Senate Judiciary Committee on crime and drugs.

UC Irvine News Brief: Loftus medal

Elizabeth Loftus receives 2010 Howard Crosby Warren Medal from the Society of Experimental Psychologists.

Logan Frick with “Good Evening UCI” co-creator Steve Scifo

‘Good Evening UCI’: online, offbeat

UC Irvine undergrads Logan Frick and Steve Scifo saw a need for online video media covering the campus for students. So they created “Good Evening UCI.”

A mother and child

TLC boosts baby’s brain

UCI child neurologist and neuroscientist Dr. Tallie Z. Baram has found that maternal care and other sensory input triggers activity in a baby’s developing brain that improves cognitive function and builds resilience to stress.

Jasmine Fang

Keen on kindness

Last summer, UC Irvine senior Jasmine Fang traveled to the rural Dominican Republic province of Elías Piña to build latrines for residents and teach public hygiene. She learned something too: the value of community. Evenings and weekends, families would gather to play basketball, jump rope or just socialize. Says Fang: “People in the Dominican Republic […]

UC Irvine News Brief: Zachary Fisk elected to American Philosophical Society

The organization is unusual in that its membership is composed of high-level scholars from a variety of academic disciplines.

UC Irvine Advisory: Samuelsen

Exhibit to cover global warming and climate change, energy and alternative resources, water quality and more.

Alumnus Chris Canfield

Game boy

UC Irvine alumnus Chris Canfield designs computer games like “Guitar Hero II” and “Rock Band” for millions of players who want to unleash their inner rock star. To those who once acted out their rock ‘n’ roll fantasies by shredding on a tennis racket or singing into a showerhead, the games are the greatest invention […]

Hub of healing

What excites Nan Luke about the new Sue and Bill Gross Hall: A CIRM Institute at UC Irvine isn’t the spacious clinic or pristine laboratories, offices and meeting rooms. It’s the interaction that will take place there between patients like herself and researchers. Both are driving the effort to see if and how stem cells […]