UCI’s Dr. Laura Mosqueda guest-edits Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect

An expert in identifying and preventing abuse, she’s tapped for a special issue assessing efforts to combat mistreatment of the aged.

UC Irvine News Brief: Kitty Calavita inducted into American Academy of Political & Social Science

The Chancellor’s Professor of criminology, law & society was named a Thorsten Sellin Fellow in recognition of her research on immigration law and policy.

UC Irvine Advisory: Environmental Law and Health

Newkirk Center event brings together experts in law and public health to discuss environmental law, climate change and pollution in China.

Online master’s program in criminology ranked No. 1

UC Irvine’s online program for a Master of Advanced Study degree in criminology, law & society has been named the top online graduate criminal justice program in the country by U.S. News & World Report.

Pioneer Boulevard in Artesia

Sizing up Southern California

John Hipp, UCI associate professor of criminology, law & society, and MFI colleagues have released the first Southern California Regional Progress Report.

UC Irvine News Brief: Website names Henry Pontell among top 10 'coolest college professors'

The professor of criminology, law & society and sociology is lauded by Best Colleges Online, which is devoted to news and trends in online education.

Criminology Outreach Program leader wins values award

Criminology, law & society professor John Dombrink studies changing mores – how what’s considered a sin today can become accepted behavior tomorrow.

UC Irvine News Brief: Henry Pontell testifies before federal panel on financial crisis

The professor of criminology, law & society tells bipartisan commission that the heads of large lending institutions and Wall Street firms enriched themselves at the expense of their companies, their investors and the public.

UC Irvine News Brief: Pontell testifies on financial fraud

Henry Pontell, professor of criminology, law & society, testifies before Senate Judiciary Committee on crime and drugs.

UC Irvine News Brief: Henry Pontell

Henry Pontell, professor of sociology and criminology, law & society, has been named Green Honors Chair at Texas Christian University.