Climbing high

From her vantage, Debra Richardson sees computer technology transforming society for the better

Corporate crime and punishment

Henry Pontell calls white-collar corruption ‘more damaging’ than common crime

Community healing

For alumna Julianne Toohey, effective health care is more than an individual pursuit


Manuel Gómez inspires young people to believe in themselves

Frozen species, deep time, and marauding black holes

It all goes with the territory for Gregory Benford, a mild-mannered professor who doubles as the working physicist’s science-fiction writer

Focused on the future

David Blake thinks tomorrow’s corporate leaders need information, technology … and flexibility

Forecasting risky business

Philippe Jorion is advancing ‘new knowledge’ revolutionizing the financial industry

Two-way streets

From Belfast to Johannesburg, Sarajevo to Jerusalem, Scott Bollens studies the links between planning and peace

Which way democracy?

Leading a team of social scientists, Russell Dalton is taking the pulse of the governed

From chaos, order

For economist Art De Vany, the natural order that emerges spontaneously from chaos is more efficient and responsive than anything a planner could devise