Justin Ducote

Visualizing victory over breast cancer

Dual-energy mammography is the latest imaging technique pioneered by UCI researchers to battle the deadly disease.

Dr. Rita Mehta

Breast cancer researcher targets tumors

Dr. Rita Mehta’s research has led to more effective breast cancer treatments, with lifesaving results.

The Joint Commission identifies best practices at UC Irvine Medical Center

Anesthesia services, medication management and medical records among lauded areas.

Committed to high-quality cancer care

Dr. Randall Holcombe, chief of UCI’s Division of Hematology/Oncology, has a commitment to healing that has earned a high-quality designation, the first in the state.

Dr. Thomas E. Ahlering and Dr. Michael K. Louie

Robots redefining cancer surgery

UC Irvine’s innovative Robotic Oncology Center offers minimally invasive treatment in multiple disciplines.

UCI cancer unit earns high-quality-care designation

Practice is first one in state certified by American Society of Clinical Oncology.

UC Irvine Healthcare first on West Coast to remove thyroid tumors with robot

The procedure, contrary to traditional thyroidectomies, leaves no neck scar.

Dr. Krishnansu Tewari

Overcoming ovarian cancer

UCI’s gynecologic oncology group forges what is being called the largest breakthrough for treating ovarian cancer in more than a decade.

Dr. Rita Mehta

Targeting tumors

In 2003, oncologist Dr. Rita Mehta had “the kind of moment everyone lives for” — everyone, that is, who’s working to find a cure for cancer. Mehta, a health sciences associate professor of medicine at the Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, was one of the first researchers to use chemotherapy combined with the drug trastuzumab (trade name […]

Cancer lecture

Ovarian cancer is the most deadly of the gynocological cancers. Dr. Leslie Randall will discuss risk reduction, symptoms, treatment and clinical trials.