Media Advisories

Berlin Wall

UCI marks 20th anniversary of Berlin Wall fall with exhibit, conference

Jerry Brown

Attorney General Brown discusses his 40-year political career and answers questions about California’s future.

PPS Alzheimer's

UC Irvine presents “Stem Cell Research & Alzheimer’s Disease,” a public lecture and discussion about the devastation of Alzheimer’s, current therapies and potential stem cell treatments.

Allergan climate

UC Irvine Earth system scientists Michael Prather and Diane Pataki will speak on “Climate Is Changing Globally. Dare We Act Locally?” as part of the Allergan Foundation Lecture Series in Modern Biology.

UC Irvine Advisory: Olive Tree Initiative

UCI Olive Tree Initiative students share experiences from Middle East trip.

Darwin exhibit

Francisco Ayala speaks at opening of UCI Libraries fall exhibit, marking the 150th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s seminal work, “On the Origin of Species.”


UC Irvine is first to bring concept of self-service bicycle sharing to California, providing inexpensive and environmentally friendly campus transportation.

UC Irvine Advisory: Environmental Law and Health

Newkirk Center event brings together experts in law and public health to discuss environmental law, climate change and pollution in China.

UC Irvine Advisory: Water awareness

Oct. 2-3 activities aim to raise awareness of how water issues affect people locally and regionally.

Campus shooting

Press briefing scheduled to update investigation of Sept. 13 shooting on UC Irvine campus.