Media Advisories

Medical students at UCI – and across US – learn where they will first practice as doctors

The annual Match Day for UC Irvine School of Medicine students is part of nationwide program pairing soon-to-be-graduates with medical training residencies.

Astronaut Dyson visits campus

Former postdoctoral chemistry scholar at UCI shares insights on science, space and what it takes to be an astronaut.

California Coast

UC Irvine presents “Enhancing the Future of the California Coast,” a daylong conference featuring legal, environmental, engineering and nonprofit experts discussing the preservation of the state’s rich marine environment.

Economics panel

Professors David Brownstone, Jan Brueckner, Linda Cohen, Fabio Milani and David Neumark will examine the role of psychology in the business cycle, California’s business climate, high-speed rail, nuclear power and airline mergers.

Perspectives on Egypt

UC Irvine’s Center for Global Peace & Conflict Studies and the Department of Anthropology present panel addressing culture, politics and law in Egypt.

Leading cancer researcher to discuss breakthroughs for annual Chao Lectureship

World-renowned researcher Dr. Daniel Von Hoff will elaborate on treatments for cancer in his talk, “These Diseases Can Be Cured.”

MLK Symposium

UCI hosts 28th annual MLK Symposium featuring Rev. Irene Monroe.

Sir Richard Branson to speak at UCI

Sponsored by UC Irvine and Orange County’s Center for Living Peace, the Living Peace Series will present Sir Richard Branson, the British industrialist who built the Virgin Group into more than 360 companies, discussing the work of his nonprofit foundation, Virgin Unite.


UC Irvine Chancellor Michael Drake and the Vietnamese American Community Ambassadors will announce a joint commitment to raise funds to hire an archivist for the UCI Libraries’ nationally recognized Southeast Asian Archive. Speakers will include Drake and VACA President Daniel Do-Khanh.

Social Sciences Speakers

Social sciences speakers to discuss mid-term elections, California’s business climate, and information overload in the digital age