Month: February 2021

The CDC Is Warning You Not to Do This Right Before You Get Vaccinated

Best Life, Feb. 17, 2021

Should you take Tylenol or Motrin before the COVID-19 vaccine?

MSN (Deseret News), Feb. 17, 2021

UCI researchers eavesdrop on cellular conversations

New computational tool decodes biological language of signaling molecules

Healthcare worker in gloves drawing vaccine from a vial at Covid vaccination clinic at the Bren Events Center on the UCI campus

UCI pharmacists on the front lines

Long working behind the scenes in COVID-19 research and education, they’re now helping to distribute and administer the vaccine

Breaking the chain of infection one call at a time

UCI’s leading-edge contact tracing program has helped control the coronavirus’s spread on campus and in the community

How 9 hospital innovation chiefs want health IT to further adapt to the pandemic

Becker’s Hospital Review, Feb. 16, 2021

OC surpasses statewide COVID-19 vaccination efforts

Orange County Business Journal, Feb. 16, 2021

How Facebook can make up for disinformation and help get everyone vaccinated for COVID-19

Fast Company, Feb. 16, 2021

Santa Ana College Vaccination Site Opens Wednesday; Racial Vaccination Inequities Persist Across OC and CA

Voice of OC, Feb. 16, 2021

Chris Barty, with students Haytham Effarah and Kyle Chestnut working at a lab table with gogles on.

Transforming human health

The COSI labs are home to up-and-coming laser technology that can be used to fight disease and illness