UC Irvine News Brief: UCI, Fudan University to start first-ever bilateral business and law institute
Center will be a public platform from which Chinese and American scholars, industry leaders and policy makers can share ideas.
Officials from UC Irvine signed an agreement Tuesday, May 31, with School of Management, Fudan University to establish the first-ever bilateral U.S.-China institute that integrates the fields of business and law. Officials from UC Irvine’s Paul Merage School of Business and UC Irvine’s School of Law, as part of their John S. and Marilyn Long U.S.-China Institute for Business and Law, joined officials of the School of Management at Fudan University in a formal signing ceremony on the Fudan campus in Shanghai to forge the new relationship. The institute, with facilities on both campuses, will be an unbiased platform for study that promotes understanding and engagement between the two economic superpowers. It will serve as a think tank for local, national and global constituencies and stakeholders on both sides of the Pacific. John Graham, professor emeritus at the Merage School and well-known international business scholar, will direct the institute.