UC Irvine News Brief: Leading financial magazine again names UCI a 'best value' public college
“Kiplinger’s Personal Finance” rates the campus 17th nationally on its annual list of 100, up from 20th last year.
“Kiplinger’s Personal Finance” rates the campus 17th nationally on its annual list of 100, up from 20th last year.
Justin Richland, associate professor of criminology, law & society, anthropology and law, knew early on that he didn’t want a typical career. He found his niche in the Native American legal system.
Young psychologist Jennifer Martin beats inflammatory bowel disease with help from UCI’s world-class specialists.
Dr. Morris Hasson of UCI’s Executive Health Program offers his tips for a healthier 2011. A key is to set reasonable goals and see to them.
UC Irvine sociologist Wang Feng examines the unintended consequences of China’s 30-year-old edict, which has has produced a serious gender imbalance, a ballooning percentage of seniors and a dwindling labor force.
Did your New Year’s resolution involve making a fresh start? Letting go and living better? Reviving body and mind? If those good intentions vanished with your first pressing deadline of 2011 or the daily bumper-car commute, Leigh Poirier Ball is here to help. As acting director of the UC Irvine Health Education Center, Poirier Ball assists […]
With his rosy cheeks and booming laugh, Michael Clegg is often told he resembles Santa Claus, and he logs almost as many miles. The UC Irvine ecology & evolutionary biology professor also is foreign secretary for the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, which means he’s on the road as much as he’s at home in Irvine. […]