Schwarzenegger proposes constitutional amendment on education funding
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in his State of the State address Wednesday, Jan. 6, proposed an amendment to the state…
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in his State of the State address Wednesday, Jan. 6, proposed an amendment to the state constitution that would ensure prison funding never again exceeds higher education funding. Currently, state prisons receive about 10 percent of the state budget, while higher education receives about 6 percent. University of California President Mark G. Yudof called the plan “bold and visionary” and said it restores the values and priorities that made California great. “I am extremely pleased that the governor understands how vital it is to return the University of California and California State University systems to solid financial footing,” Yudof said. Over the long term, he said, the governor’s proposal will provide California’s public universities with much-needed stability to plan for the future and to maintain affordability, access and excellence. “In the short term, however, there are still critical budget shortfalls that will require the attention of the governor and Legislature,” Yudof said.