Month: June 2009

Bachelor’s program in nursing science is accredited

The Program in Nursing Science at UC Irvine has received accreditation for its bachelor of science program from the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. Its first graduates will get their degrees this month.

A young student

Will you be my teacher?

Despite discouraging headlines, the prospects for highly qualified teachers trained at UC Irvine look good as older educators retire.

Elizabeth Munoz

Reaching out to the elderly

Elizabeth Munoz studies how emotions affect the health of seniors.

Chemist named Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar

Alan Heyduk, assistant professor of chemistry and founding member of the UCI Physical Sciences Center for Solar Energy, has been…

Engineer receives two prestigious awards

William Sirignano, The Henry Samueli Endowed Chair in Engineering at UC Irvine, has been selected to receive the prestigious American…

Teachers wanted

Layoffs and looming education cuts may dominate news headlines, but that should not deter prospective teachers from pursuing a career…

solar panels

Clearing the air

In ways that have altered nearly every aspect of campus life, UC Irvine has reduced the energy needed to keep the place humming, serving as a model for other large organizations seeking to shrink their carbon footprints. “Environmental stewardship at UCI began long before we even heard the words ‘green,’ ‘LEED,’ or ‘carbon-neutrality,’” says Wendell […]

Goodbye, UCI

As UC Irvine readies for its 44th commencement June 12-14, half a dozen graduates from the class of 2009 pause to reflect on their time here — what they enjoyed, how they grew, and lessons they learned in and out of the classroom. Originally published in Vol. 1, Iss. 7 ZotZine