Hal S. Stern is named UCI provost and executive vice chancellor
Acclaimed administrator and scholar will remain campus’s chief academic and operating officer
Acclaimed administrator and scholar will remain campus’s chief academic and operating officer
New role will center on envisioning post-pandemic research and education
Campus leaders host a virtual event sharing insights into the next academic year
To expedite campus response to pandemic, UCI leadership amasses $2.5 million for COVID-19 research projects
UCI has posted a new podcast episode featuring an interview with the recently appointed dean of the School of Physical Sciences, James Bullock. Arriving at UCI in 2004, Bullock established a reputation as a leading researcher in astronomy and cosmology. He served as chair of the Department of Physics & Astronomy prior to being named […]
New role to employ technology and data to mobilize knowledge and drive innovation
Public health professor will promote interdisciplinary programs
Informatics professor has interdisciplinary background, is committed to inclusive excellence
UCI’s new vice chancellor for student affairs grew up in the South, is a first-gen college graduate, believes in the transformative nature of higher education and is ‘a big beach person’
In new role, he will lead campus’s quest to be a national model of inclusive excellence