Pre-disaster predictions linked to post-disaster psychological outcomes, UCI study finds
First-of-its-kind research conducted in Florida before Hurricane Irma hit
First-of-its-kind research conducted in Florida before Hurricane Irma hit
Possession, not use, of a mobile phone counteracts feelings of isolation, UCI-led study finds
People who rely on social media encounter more rumors, report greater distress
Did your New Year’s resolution involve making a fresh start? Letting go and living better? Reviving body and mind? If those good intentions vanished with your first pressing deadline of 2011 or the daily bumper-car commute, Leigh Poirier Ball is here to help. As acting director of the UC Irvine Health Education Center, Poirier Ball assists […]
Psychologist Salvatore R. Maddi remembers when one of his graduate students at the University of Chicago showed him an article in Family Circle that warned, “Stress can kill you, so you need to stay away from it.” That was a popular theory in the 1970s, but Maddi was skeptical. He’d already done studies indicating that stress could […]