
Steven White

Quantum leaper

Acclaimed for a breakthrough algorithm, physicist Steven White is now first to model a new state of matter.

Looking back into the future

UC Irvine physics professor and award-winning science fiction author Gregory Benford will write the introductory essays for “The Wonderful Future That Never Was,” a collection of predictions made in the pages of “Popular Mechanics” that reflects societies hopes and fears.

James Bullock

UCI’s galactic tour guide

James Bullock thinks bigger than most. Growing up in Toledo, Ohio, he wasn’t particularly fascinated by stars. He believes he first noticed the night sky at his grandparents’ North Carolina farm, but he’s not sure. What interests the UC Irvine professor of physics & astronomy is the whole shebang — the entire universe. “A cosmologist […]

Roger McWilliams

Old-fashioned physicist invents futuristic tools

With his bow ties and seersucker suits, Roger McWilliams might appear to be old-fashioned, but the UCI physicist invents futuristic laser tools that have advanced everything from telecommunications to healthcare.

Astrophysicist Gregory Benford

Finding frugal aliens

‘Benford beacons’ concept could refocus search for signs of intelligent extraterrestrial life.

New windows into space

Researchers in UC Irvine’s Center for Cosmology are opening new windows into space and finding lost matter and bright galaxies.