UCI’s Trimble attends announcement of LIGO gravitational wave discovery

UCI astronomer and physicist Virginia Trimble was a special guest at the National Science Foundation’s major announcement Feb. 12 of the long-sought detection of gravitational waves, a key part of Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity. Trimble was invited by agency director France Cordova to serve as an independent expert on the panel, reflecting their […]

A (virtual) world without Parkinson’s

UCI anthropologist explores how people with disabilities make use of online environments

Siddharth Parameswaran wins NSF CAREER Award

Siddharth Parameswaran, a UCI assistant professor of physics & astronomy, has won a prestigious National Science Foundation CAREER Award that comes with more than $500,000 to support his research in condensed matter physics.

11 physical sciences students earn NSF Graduate Research Fellowships

Nine students from the Department of Chemistry and two from the Department of Earth System Science have earned graduate research fellowships from the National Science Foundation. An equal number received honorable mentions.

34 UCI students win Graduate Research Fellowships

UCI’s Department of Chemistry has received nine Graduate Research Fellowships from the National Science Foundation – among 34 bestowed campuswide and 2,000 nationwide. Another two fellowships went to the Department of Earth System Science, also in the School of Physical Sciences.

UCI initiates NSF-funded joint project utilizing the arts to improve grade school science education

Through an innovative new program developed at UC Irvine, the arts and the sciences – which often occupy opposite ends of the grammar school curriculum – are being integrated to help young students better grasp the basics of Earth, life and physical sciences.

Steven White

Quantum leaper

Acclaimed for a breakthrough algorithm, physicist Steven White is now first to model a new state of matter.

RapidTech printed products

Professor Michael Martinez

New RapidTech Center on campus helps researchers and entrepreneurs swiftly design and build product prototypes.

A woman holding a mop and a man holding a broom

Domestic duties still largely ‘women’s work’

UCI sociologist explains how society, culture and public policy influence the division of household labor.