Discovery through mentorship
UCI materials science and engineering project gives student researchers opportunities to excel
UCI materials science and engineering project gives student researchers opportunities to excel
Applications for strong and lightweight materials range from aviation to medical implants
Biosensor continuously tracks pulse and wirelessly communicates with nearby devices
Study shows how century-old design principle can be a pathway to overcoming failure
Breakthrough research made possible by advanced microscopic techniques
Southern California’s diabolical ironclad beetle can even survive being run over by car
Mantis shrimp’s dactyl clubs could hold secrets to more resilient surfaces for human use
Novel plate-cell architecture reaches theoretical limit of performance
Many insects are equipped with a natural defense mechanism against harmful pathogens: Their wings are covered with nanoscale spikes – 1,000 times thinner than a human hair – that kill bacteria and fungi cells. UCI’s 2019 winner of the University of California Grad Slam competition is mimicking these antimicrobial surfaces in the lab for potential […]
Scientists at UCI and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory have shown that synthetic nanopores can possess the same ion-transporting and differentiation capabilities as living tissue. They detail their discovery in a study published today in Science Advances. “Biological systems use ion selectivity to chemically store and exchange energy, making it available for use when needed,” said […]