
A literal gut check

Scientist studies how intestinal microbiomes affect human health

For Phase 1 of the EPA’s Environmental Justice Video Challenge for Students, UCI team members created maps pinpointing soil lead contamination hot spots in Santa Ana; the red areas above show where the dirt contains unhealthy levels of the metal. Following Phase 2 of the competition, UCI students and community activists are partnering in a project to use plants and fungus to remove lead from affected locations.

Meeting the environmental justice challenge

UCI graduate students honored by EPA for bioremediation project video

UCI chemists find fungal shrapnel in the air

In a discovery that has implications for our understanding of the air we breathe, UCI chemists report that they’ve found nanoscale fragments of fungal cells in the atmosphere. The pieces are extremely small, measuring about 30 nanometers in diameter, and much more abundant than previously thought, the researchers say in a study published this week […]