digital technology

A Zoom screenshot shows some of the graduating nursing students who participated in the UCI Health Virtual Visitor Project.

Virtual nurses make a real difference

Graduating students lift the spirits of UCI hospital patients through video visits

UCI Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: Melissa Mazmanian on work and parenting in the digital age

“Dreams of the Overworked: Living, Working & Parenting in the Digital Age” is a new book by Melissa Mazmanian, UCI associate professor of informatics, and Christine Beckman, professor of public policy at the University of Southern California. In this episode of the UCI Podcast, Mazmanian, who holds appointments in the Donald Bren School of Information […]

Avatars summarize students’ progress on research projects in a UCI course that takes place in a fantastical 3D online environment called Anteater Island.

Anteater Island

Anthropology professor teaches class on digital cultures by creating his own virtual community – where COVID-19 isn’t a threat

Mark Warschauer, UCI professor of education, citing one way online learning might leave some students further behind.

The post-pandemic education landscape

UCI professor warns that coronavirus-prompted changes could worsen disparities in academic achievement between low- and high-income students

John Hunter, a UCI ph.D. candidate in psychology & social behavior

Self-care via cellphones

UCI postdoctoral scholar explores positive potential of mobile health apps

UCI electrical engineering team develops ‘beyond 5G’ wireless transceiver

Chip’s novel architecture enables ultra-fast data processing, less energy consumption

UCI-led study finds Harry Potter fan fiction challenges cultural stereotypes of autism

Digital media platforms enable marginalized groups to offer alternative representations

Growing up digital

New lab in Calit2 looks at the smartphone generation

New school of thought

First ‘active learning’ building in California opens at UCI

Smartphones act as digital security blankets in stressful social situations

Possession, not use, of a mobile phone counteracts feelings of isolation, UCI-led study finds