
UCI Podcast: UCI Health response to pandemic

The entire UCI community is confronting the coronavirus pandemic with unprecedented actions. UCI Health is on the front lines of the crisis response. In this episode of the UCI Podcast, two key members of the UCI Health staff – Linda Dickey, senior director of quality & patient safety, epidemiology & infection prevention; and Joe Brothman, […]

Coronavirus Twitter map developed at UCI displays social media reactions to COVID-19

To give the public a sense of how social media conversations about COVID-19 are happening in real time, UCI computer scientists have developed and launched a coronavirus Twitter map. The interactive resource visualizes the spatial and temporal distribution of tweets related to the pandemic, allowing users to view the growth and transformation of social media […]

Integrative health institute provides wellness services for workers at UCI Douglas Hospital

Front-line healthcare workers need more than just protective gear to stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Their well-being also requires managing the anxiety, stress, grief, pain and fatigue that naturally arise from the nature of their work. That’s why the Susan Samueli Integrative Health Institute has stepped up to offer in-person wellness services for employees […]

First-year medical student Catriona Lewis assembles face shields developed by UCI engineering, arts, medicine and nursing faculty at Beall Applied Innovation’s University Lab Partners facility.

UCI supports those on front lines with face shields

Interdisciplinary team designs, tests, produces and delivers 5,000 units to medical center within 17 days

Campus labs making sample-preserving fluid for COVID-19 test kits

‘Mini task force’ of UCI researchers responds to urgent need at medical center

The Claire Trevor School of the Arts’ #UCIArtsAnywhere project encourages people to post photos or videos of themselves engaging with the arts on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

Art and soul

Social media project underscores common humanity during crisis

coronavirus 'bridge' device images

UCI team initiates effort to build ‘bridge’ ventilators

Quick-to-produce devices could help alleviate hospital shortages during COVID-19 crisis

Chemistry faculty launch antiviral research project

Scientists combine their diverse skills in collaborative effort to hobble COVID-19

UCI Health launches therapeutic clinical trial for COVID-19

Drug developed to fight Ebola, may be effective against coronavirus

Repeated novel coronavirus media exposure may be linked to psychological distress

Earlier UCI studies found adverse health outcomes from heightened stress response