A very healthy event

Women’s Wellness Day benefits attendees and unique health center

Outsider looking in

Exploring the tiniest of places, geneticist Douglas Wallace is onto something really big

From ranch to research university

UCI celebrates 40 years of innovation

Value added

Chancellor Michael Drake sees a values-driven UCI shaping the 21st century

Risky business

Predicting human behavior is no sure thing, but it earned Duncan Luce the National Medal of Science

Surgical precision

Dr. Ralph Clayman turned a childhood fascination into a lifesaving career

Practically perfect

Nurse practitioner specializes in promoting healthy lifestyles

Con brio

UCI orchestra conductor’s firm hand inspires passionate performances and insightful careers

Risk’s reward

Respected social scientist earns high honors for his life’s work

Back from Baghdad

Doctoral candidate Susan Kupperstein is on the ground floor, helping to build democracy in Iraq