UCI study links air pollution, adverse ovarian function in female mice

A type of air pollution known as fine particulate matter or PM2.5, can cause loss of ovarian function in female mice, due to depleted primordial, primary and secondary follicles, according to a recent study led by Ulrike Luderer, MD, Ph.D., UCI professor of environmental and occupational health and corresponding author. Premature ovarian failure, often called […]

Wenzel gets $1.9 million to create ovarian cancer app

Lari Wenzel, UC Irvine professor of medicine and public health, has received a $1.9 million from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute to create and study the use of a new, personalized approach to shared treatment decision-making for newly diagnosed ovarian cancer patients.

Study finds racial, economic disparities in ovarian cancer care, survival

UC Irvine’s Dr. Robert Bristow finds that African American women and poor women with ovarian cancer have lower survival rates and receive lower standard of care.

Targeting ovarian cancer

Dr. Robert Bristow finds disparities in access to the top-quality care that boosts survival.

Alice Hernandez-Gaona

A brush with ovarian cancer

Artist treated at UC Irvine Medical Center plans to be among the 30 percent who beat the odds.

Dr. Krishnansu Tewari

Overcoming ovarian cancer

UCI’s gynecologic oncology group forges what is being called the largest breakthrough for treating ovarian cancer in more than a decade.

Episode 21-16 Spinal cord injury to cancer to COVID?

TechNation Radio, April 13, 2021 (Audio)

Dr. Jon Steller, a NASA physician and assistant clinical professor of maternal fetal medicine at UCI.

Interplanetary Obstetrician

Physician alumnus researches (future) life on Mars while teaching medicine at UCI

UCI Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: How Amy Coney Barrett could reshape the Supreme Court

With just weeks to go before the election, the Senate has launched confirmation hearings for President Trump’s nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court, Judge Amy Coney Barrett. Conservatives have praised her judicial approach, while liberals are worried that she could contribute to undoing the gains they’ve made on social issues in recent decades — and […]

UC Irvine Douglas Hospital

UCI Medical Center among America’s Best Hospitals for 20 consecutive years

Programs in geriatrics, urology, nephrology and gynecology nationally ranked