High achiever

Senior and scholarship winner Vicky Zhou balances two majors and makes it look easy

Three roles, one vision

History professor Jaime E. Rodríguez brings appreciation of Latin America to UCI

Omega-3 fatty acid may help prevent Alzheimer's brain lesions

A type of omega-3 fatty acid may slow the growth of two brain lesions that are hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease, UC Irvine scientists have discovered…

Lights, camera, teach!

Iain Grainger of the Teaching, Learning & Technology Center helps teachers go high-tech

Leading by example

Senior Marlen Kanagui receives Lauds & Laurels award for helping Latinos succeed in school

Sky’s the limit

Observatory director Tammy Smecker-Hane handles all kinds of questions on the cosmos

Whole in spirit

Alumnus and champion runner C.J. Howard refused to let bone cancer slow him down

Big sister

Growing up in a house filled with foster kids has given student Megan Baker her life’s purpose

Paying it forward

Inspired by a mentor while a student at UCI, social sciences lecturer Jeanett Castellanos now mentors others

King of the anthill

Senior Jeff Fulkerson becomes ICS school’s first Homecoming King