Southern exposures

Photographer Connie Samaras traveled to the end of the world to capture some out-of-this-world images


Kevin Stockdale helps keep KUCI on college radio’s leading edge

Con brio

UCI orchestra conductor’s firm hand inspires passionate performances and insightful careers

Mind games

Psychologist Elizabeth Loftus has redefined the meaning of memories – though some might prefer she hadn’t

Cracking cancer’s code

Recent additions to UCI’s team attacking deadly disease on multiple fronts

‘Framing’ the homeless

By dispelling stereotypes, David Snow helps communities solve a human crisis

Understanding autism

Research by Pauline Filipek shows early diagnosis can lead to profoundly improved lives

Historical perspective

Vicki Ruiz integrates storytelling, conventional research to shed new light on American history

Climbing high

From her vantage, Debra Richardson sees computer technology transforming society for the better


Manuel Gómez inspires young people to believe in themselves