Eye undergoing a laser-assisted corneal transplant

A zigzag path to better vision

UCI ophthalmologists pioneer zigzag incision technique that improves outcome of laser-assisted corneal transplantation.

Alzheimer's lesions found in mice retinas

The eyes may be the windows to the soul, but new research indicates they also may mirror a brain ravaged…

UCI neuroscientist Zhiqun Tan

Alzheimer’s lesions found in the retina

UC Irvine neuroscientists have found that retinas in mice genetically altered to have Alzheimer’s undergo changes similar to those that occur in the brain – most notably the accumulation of amyloid plaque lesions.

Leslie M. Thompson

Hope for Huntington’s patients

Leslie M. Thompson has her eye on a treatment for the fatal Huntington’s disease. Stem cells may hold the key.

Alzheimer's retina

UC Irvine neuroscientists have found that retinas in mice genetically altered to have Alzheimer’s undergo changes similar to those that occur in the brain – most notably the accumulation of amyloid plaque lesions.

Crystal Murphy Morgan

Fighting poverty one loan at a time

Crystal Murphy Morgan studies chronic economic hardship in Africa and how micro-finance loans might help.

Kenneth Longmuir

Making chemotherapy safer, more effective

UCI researchers Kenneth Longmuir and Richard Robertson have developed a more precise approach to delivery of chemotherapy drugs.

Allergan climate

UC Irvine Earth system scientists Michael Prather and Diane Pataki will speak on “Climate Is Changing Globally. Dare We Act Locally?” as part of the Allergan Foundation Lecture Series in Modern Biology.

UCI alumni Kristin Alix and David Chang

New Web site connects UCI with community

New Web site fosters public interaction with campus.

Coach Paula Weishoff

Coaching champions on and off the court

Hall of Fame women’s volleyball coach Paula Weishoff brings her winning pedigree to UCI.