UCI scientists map the skies as they appeared 10 billion years ago and find that bright galaxies liked to cluster together.

a Haitian boy receives treatment at a medical clinic at the United Nations Stabilization Mission's logistics base

Hope for Haiti’s future

As Haiti begins rebuilding after a devastating earthquake, three UCI professors discuss how it could emerge a stronger country.

Elizabeth Loftus

Lawyers tend to be overconfident, study finds

Study co-authored by UCI’s Elizabeth Loftus finds lawyers overly optimistic about case outcomes.

Lawyers tend to be overconfident about case outcomes, study finds

Lawyers often overestimate their chances of success when predicting the outcomes of civil and criminal cases, reports a new study co-authored by UC Irvine psychologist and law professor Elizabeth Loftus.

UC Irvine Advisory: Sapolsky lecture

Robert Sapolsky of Stanford University will address “Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers” as part of the Allergan Foundation Lecture Series in Modern Biology at UC Irvine.

UC Irvine News Brief: Loftus medal

Elizabeth Loftus receives 2010 Howard Crosby Warren Medal from the Society of Experimental Psychologists.

Alumnus Chris Canfield

Game boy

UC Irvine alumnus Chris Canfield designs computer games like “Guitar Hero II” and “Rock Band” for millions of players who want to unleash their inner rock star. To those who once acted out their rock ‘n’ roll fantasies by shredding on a tennis racket or singing into a showerhead, the games are the greatest invention […]

Rose Jacobs

Giving doctors a checkup

Living Our Values Award recipient Rose Jacobs makes sure UCI physicians have — and keep — the proper credentials. She’s director of medical staff administration at UC Irvine Medical Center.

Giant Anteater

OC welcomes giant anteaters

With help from UCI supporters, two giant anteaters — the real-life Peter and his mate — debut at the Santa Ana Zoo.

2010 Medal

UCI’s most prestigious honor, the Medal, which annually confers lifelong recognition on those who have made exceptional contributions to the university’s mission of teaching, research and public service will be given to three individuals and one couple this fall.