Vinh Nguyen

Statistically significant

Vinh Nguyen has proven himself a real problem solver.

Daniela Bota

Lifting the fog

Dr. Daniela Bota of UCI’s Comprehensive Brain Tumor Program is determined to find ways for cancer patients to avoid “chemo brain.”

Frank LaFerla

Making memories last

UCI MIND hosts one of the field’s most influential annual Alzheimer’s disease research conferences featuring speakers and presentations showcasing the latest breakthroughs. Center director Frank LaFerla discusses the 2011 conference and exciting research and treatment efforts for the disease.

Dr. Laura Mosqueda

Campaigning against elder abuse

It will serve as clearinghouse for information, research and best practices.

UC Irvine News Brief: UCI MIND study finds plaque-blocking compound that may aid Alzheimer’s treatments

Researchers with the Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders (UCI MIND) have discovered how a novel compound can reduce the accumulation of brain plaques seen in Alzheimer’s disease without the side effects produced by any current drugs used for the chronic neurodegenerative disease.

UCI researchers find novel memory-enhancing mechanism in brain

The researchers identified a small protein called neuropeptide S that can strengthen and prolong memories of everything from negative events to simple objects.

Dr. Laura Mosqueda

Standing up for seniors

Dr. Laura Mosqueda is a pioneer in the prevention of elder abuse

Evaluating forgetfulness

UCI’s Memory Assessment Clinic is the only outpatient facility in Orange County providing comprehensive services focused solely on the early identification of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.

UCI’s Dr. Laura Mosqueda guest-edits Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect

An expert in identifying and preventing abuse, she’s tapped for a special issue assessing efforts to combat mistreatment of the aged.

Team of UCI doctors works with local high school athletes to improve diagnosis, treatment.

Treating concussion is team effort

Team of UCI doctors works with local high school athletes to improve diagnosis, treatment.