Tom Hayashi and Peggy Woelke, his neighbor and caregiver, visit the clinic for his annual evaluation

Testing the powers of recall

Forgetting where you parked your car, the name of someone you just met or a new phone number is a sign of the normal changes to short-term memory that most healthy adults experience as they age. Becoming lost on the way to the grocery store, not recognizing someone familiar or forgetting what a phone does, […]

UC Irvine News Brief: Dr. Virginia Kimonis awarded $372,000 to study hereditary muscle diseases

UCI pediatrician is among 38 researchers receiving multiyear funding from the Muscular Dystrophy Association.

Distinguishing ‘senior moments’ from Alzheimer’s

UCI researchers locate brain passage that could aid early diagnosis.

Diana Burns keeps an eye on her mother, Irma

Distinguishing ‘senior moments’ from Alzheimer’s

UCI scientists locate inner brain pathway they believe is key to memory.

Aileen Wiglesworth

Uncovering elder abuse

Physical abuse of the elderly has long been difficult to prove because of older people’s propensity to bruise easily and their sometimes-dubious powers of recall, giving perpetrators a handy defense. But thanks to studies by UC Irvine’s Program in Geriatrics, that’s changing. The research has identified bruises most likely caused by abuse and established that […]

Understanding the Alzheimer’s-Parkinson’s link

UCI researchers find the neurodegenerative combo of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases accelerates dementia.

Down syndrome may hold clues to Alzheimer’s

A UCI research team is studying Down syndrome adults to learn why – and when – cognitive decline is triggered by Alzheimer’s disease.

A mother and child

TLC boosts baby’s brain

UCI child neurologist and neuroscientist Dr. Tallie Z. Baram has found that maternal care and other sensory input triggers activity in a baby’s developing brain that improves cognitive function and builds resilience to stress.

Ruth Mulnard

Nursing mind and memory

Ruth Mulnard, founding faculty member in UCI’s nursing science program, leads clinical trials to help Alzheimer’s patients.

Newport Harbor Lawn Bowling Club Members

Older = happier

UCI’s Susan Turk Charles attributes study finding to seniors’ ability to better regulate emotion.