UCI joins CIRM in observing Stem Cell Awareness Day

Scientists throughout California and in Australia celebrate Stem Cell Awareness Day Thursday, Sept. 25, to foster greater understanding about stem cell research and the range of potential applications for disease and injury. The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine – the state’s stem cell research funding agency – and Monash Immunology and Stem Cell Laboratories in […]

Felgner to lead development of infectious disease tests

Infectious diseases researcher Philip Felgner will lead a $3.75 million, federally funded effort to develop methods for new diagnostic tests…

UC Irvine to lead statewide program on green materials research

UC Irvine has been awarded $1.62 million to lead a University of California program on development of nontoxic alternatives to…

Prime time

Pioneering medical education program bridges cultural divide

Sherry Main takes on a new role as Staff Assembly chair

Staff Assembly had a problem. The group had a logo that looked, in the words of outgoing chair Ramona Agrela, “like a piece of cheese.” No design met with the assembly’s approval. Then Sherry Main stepped in. Main listened to everyone’s suggestions about how the logo should look – an informal, casually drawn Anteater – […]

Going the distance

Staffer Ann Whitmer crosses a Step Up UCI milestone – but seldom steps on campus

Exponential gains

With a unique approach and new, state-of-the-art facility, Calit2 pioneers advances in electonic communications

Leader of the pack

Top scholar, political activist, community volunteer: This senior’s all that – and more

Historical perspective

Vicki Ruiz integrates storytelling, conventional research to shed new light on American history

A good life

In the work of evolutionary biologist and ordained priest Francisco Ayala, science and religion have found a peaceful coexistence