Medal gala

UC Irvine’s premiere fundraising event honors campus friends and raises $1.1 million for scholarships and other key initiatives.

Carole Uhlaner

A state in crisis

Political scientist Carole Uhlaner discusses how the two-thirds vote requirement, term limits and ballot propositions have made the state difficult to govern.

Graphic of household items falling into a blender

Doing more with less

Is your life too complicated? UC Irvine professor suggests redesigning priorities and weeding out unnecessary possessions to achieve peace.

On the air

Jon Wiener offers interviews, commentary during “The 4 O’Clock Report” on KPFK 90.7 FM

Brandon Gross

Ahead of his class

In a disheveled dorm room at UC Irvine, Brandon Gross — a freckle-faced college kid in flip-flops and Anteaters ball cap — loads up his backpack and heads out the door to his math class in differential equations. Nothing unusual here, except Brandon is a kid. A junior who transferred to UCI in January, Brandon […]

Literary Orange

Literary Orange to draw book lovers to UCI

Third annual Literary Orange brings writers and readers together April 4 for a daylong celebration of literature.

Maria Pantelia

Greek classics go digital

The oldest-surviving Greek texts are never more than a few mouse clicks away thanks to the world’s first digital humanities archive, built and maintained at UC Irvine.

Mads Sulbaek Andersen

Termite insecticide a potent greenhouse gas

An insecticide used to fumigate termite-infested buildings is a strong greenhouse gas that lives in the atmosphere nearly 10 times longer than previously thought, UC Irvine research has found.

Affordable housing proposal up for national award

Victoria Basolo (pictured), associate professor of planning, policy & design at UC Irvine, and Victor Becerra, director of UCI’s Community…

Award honors Taylor's impact on software evolution

Richard N. Taylor, informatics professor at UC Irvine, and two former doctoral students, Peyman Oreizy and Nenad Medvidovic, have received…