Fungi fight global warming

The fight against climate warming has an unexpected ally: mushrooms growing in the dry spruce forests covering Alaska, Canada, Scandinavia and other northern regions.

Dried mushrooms slow climate warming in northern forests

The fight against climate warming has an unexpected ally in mushrooms growing in dry spruce forests covering Alaska, Canada, Scandinavia…

Climate change killed off trees in California mountain range, study confirms

Warmer temperatures and longer dry spells have killed thousands of trees and shrubs in a Southern California mountain range, pushing…

UCI Earth scientist helps write new federal climate change report

Jim Randerson, associate professor of Earth system science at UC Irvine, helped write a new federal report that links a…

Climate change panel awarded Nobel Peace Prize

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change won the Nobel Peace Prize Friday, Oct. 12, for its work to alert the…

UCI, JPL investigators find direct evidence of sea level ‘fingerprints’

Indicators of global climate change are detected in tropical oceans

W.M. Keck Carbon Cycle Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Laboratory

Time travelers

Scientists use radiocarbon dating to analyze everything from the world’s oldest shoe to sediment samples that shed light on global climate change.

carbon-dating fossils

Time travelers

Scientists use radiocarbon dating to analyze everything from the world’s oldest shoe to sediment samples that shed light on global climate change

Plant growth aided by insect-feeding animals

UCI study shows how birds, bats and lizards play their roles in preserving plant species in face of global climate change

Eric Rignot

Measuring melting ice sheets

Global climate change – especially as it relates to glacial melting and rising ocean levels – is the subject of much debate and research. Eric Rignot, Earth system science professor, studies ice sheet melting in Antarctica and Greenland. He will talk about his work March 31 as part of the 2008-09 Discover the Physical Sciences Breakfast Lecture Series.