Dr. Ninh T. Nguyen

Reducing obesity

UCI studies find weight loss surgeries are safer than they used to be and gastric bypass is most effective.

UCI neuroscientist Zhiqun Tan

Alzheimer’s lesions found in the retina

UC Irvine neuroscientists have found that retinas in mice genetically altered to have Alzheimer’s undergo changes similar to those that occur in the brain – most notably the accumulation of amyloid plaque lesions.

Alzheimer's retina

UC Irvine neuroscientists have found that retinas in mice genetically altered to have Alzheimer’s undergo changes similar to those that occur in the brain – most notably the accumulation of amyloid plaque lesions.

Sea change

Time on the water builds confidence, cognitive skills

A novel approach

Professor Ron Carlson discusses his new novel and arrival at UCI

On a high note

Arts dean and pilot Nohema Fernández has a bird’s eye view of the Claire Trevor School’s place in the world

Risky business

Predicting human behavior is no sure thing, but it earned Duncan Luce the National Medal of Science

Pushing the edge

Self-described ‘gizmologist’ Simon Penny sees a new culture – and area of study – emerging from the digital age

Inspired stories

Alumna, writer/educator

Navigator to facilitator

Suzanne Rivera ensures studies meet safeguards