Prominent materials science physicist to join UCI faculty

Xiaoqing Pan, an internationally recognized researcher in the physics of materials, will join the UC Irvine faculty and lead a $20 million initiative to establish a world-class electron microscopy and materials science research facility.

Water spout

Encouraging cross-campus collaboration

Multidisciplinary projects focused on data science, medical humanities and water will be funded under new Interschool Academic Initiative program

Students playing basketball

Explaining exercise

New campus initiative fosters interdisciplinary study of how physical activity promotes good health.

Bone marrow stem cells show promise in stroke treatment, UCI team finds

Irvine, Calif., April 9, 2014 — Stem cells culled from bone marrow may prove beneficial in stroke recovery, scientists at UC Irvine’s Sue & Bill Gross Stem Cell Research Center have learned. In an analysis of published research, neurologist Dr. Steven Cramer and biomedical engineer Weian Zhao identified 46 studies that examined the use of […]

UCI study finds specific genetic cue for sudden cardiac death syndrome

UC Irvine researchers have found a specific genetic flaw that is connected to sudden death due to heart arrhythmia – a leading cause of mortality for adults around the world.

UC Irvine stem cell researchers awarded $1.54 million in state funding

Two UC Irvine research teams will receive $1.54 million to further studies on the fundamental structure and function of stem cells. Their work will aid efforts to treat and cure a range of ailments, from cancer to neurological diseases and injuries.

Play AnteaterTag@UCI and leave your mark on campus history

The UC Irvine Libraries invite the campus community, alumni and the public to play AnteaterTag@UCI, a game in which contestants view and describe digital photographs from the Libraries’ Online Archive of UCI History. Participants will enrich what’s known about these historical images from the University Archives and contribute to UC Irvine’s 50th anniversary celebration in 2015.

Chinese herbal compound relieves inflammatory and neuropathic pain

Irvine, Calif., Jan. 2, 2014 — A compound derived from a traditional Chinese herbal medicine has been found effective at alleviating pain, pointing the way to a new nonaddictive analgesic for acute inflammatory and nerve pain, according to UC Irvine pharmacology researchers. Working with Chinese scientists, Olivier Civelli and his UC Irvine colleagues isolated a compound […]

Grant supports creation of patient-derived stem cell lines for Alzheimer’s research

Researchers at UC Irvine’s Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders have received a two-year, $600,000 grant from the National Institute on Aging to develop and study patient-derived stem cell lines.

How our vision dims: Chemists crack the code of cataract creation

Groundbreaking new findings by UC Irvine and German chemists about how cataracts form could be used to help prevent the world’s leading cause of blindness, which currently affects nearly 20 million people worldwide.