Focused on the future

David Blake thinks tomorrow’s corporate leaders need information, technology … and flexibility

Forecasting risky business

Philippe Jorion is advancing ‘new knowledge’ revolutionizing the financial industry

A good life

In the work of evolutionary biologist and ordained priest Francisco Ayala, science and religion have found a peaceful coexistence

Of human bonds

A scholar’s exploration of altruism ultimately took her to its opposite, genocide, and to an understanding of the common ground both share

Lord of the dance

At 70, professor, choreographer and artistic mentor Donald McKayle is not missing a beat

Making choices

Robert Cohen combines professional skill with scholarly achievement

Engineering solutions to California’s energy crisis

Scott Samuelsen is leading efforts to create more efficient power sources and distribution strategies while advancing energy conservation

Memories in the making

Thomas Carew finds keys to the cellular biology of learning in a simple marine mollusk

Anchor’s aweigh

Jayne Hess makes daunting schedule look easy

Tools for living

In a society dominated by science and technology, UCI humanists are revitalizing our ability to think creatively, write persuasively and value other cultures