UCI stem cell research pioneer to speak at TEDxOrangeCoast

Hans Keirstead of the Sue & Bill Gross Stem Cell Research Center will highlight what it takes to successfully translate lab discoveries into therapeutic reality.

State stem cell research funding agency awards $37.3 million to aid UC Irvine efforts

UC Irvine scientists will be part of two research teams garnering CIRM Disease Team Therapy Development Awards, which are designed to accelerate collaborative translational research leading to human clinical trials.

Spinal cord injury patients report regained sensation in human neural stem cells clinical trial

Swiss doctors with the world’s first clinical trial using human neural stem cells to treat chronic thoracic spinal cord injury report that two patients have regained some ability to feel touch and heat.

Stem cell researcher Weian Zhao tapped for prestigious TR35 list

The assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences, a member of the Sue & Bill Gross Stem Cell Research Center, is deemed one of the world’s top 35 innovators under the age of 35.

Human model of Huntington’s disease created from skin’s stem cells

An international consortium of Huntington’s disease experts, including several from the Sue & Bill Gross Stem Cell Research Center at UC Irvine, has generated a human model of the deadly inherited disorder directly from the skin cells of affected patients. The re-created neurons, which live in a petri dish, will help researchers better understand what […]

UCI-created stem cell treatment passes safety phase of clinical trial

Doctors with the Balgrist University Hospital in Zurich report that the surgery, immunosuppression and cell transplants have been well tolerated.

UCI stem cell researcher to receive $4.8 million in state funding

A UC Irvine immunologist will receive $4.8 million to create a new line of neural stem cells that can be used to treat multiple sclerosis.

Researchers Aileen Anderson and Brian Cummings

Science, stem cells and serendipity

Serendipity has played a great part in the careers and personal lives of Aileen Anderson and Brian Cummings, the UC Irvine husband-and-wife team that has helped move stem cell therapy for spinal cord injury a giant step forward. They met as undergraduates at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Cummings would visit his then-girlfriend in her dorm, and […]

UCI's stem cell research building earns top sustainability ranking

Campus’s second LEED Platinum citation in one month is added to eight gold awards.

UC Irvine News Brief: Clinical trial of UCI-created stem cell treatment opened to U.S., Canadian patients

Three people have already been enrolled in first-ever test of a human neural stem cell-based therapy for chronic spinal cord injury.