UC Irvine researchers find genetic link to panic disorder

A UC Irvine research team led by Rainer Reinscheid, associate professor of pharmacology and the program in pharmaceutical sciences, has…

High achiever

Senior and scholarship winner Vicky Zhou balances two majors and makes it look easy

Mr. Coffee

Professor Steven Topik finds a world of history in a simple cup o’ Joe

From many, one

Campus Architect Rebekah Gladson blends a variety of styles into a cohesive whole

Resourcefulness and resolve

Student uses research, passion to help others with disabilities

Designing woman

UCI architect builds upon successful portfolio

Pushing the edge

Self-described ‘gizmologist’ Simon Penny sees a new culture – and area of study – emerging from the digital age

Close collaborations

Hands-on research helps UCI undergraduates learn more about their subjects – and themselves

Guiding light

Said Shokair champions ‘a culture of research’ among undergraduates

Gang mentality

Cheryl Maxson’s gang studies are helping to arrest youth crime