Commencement 2010: By the numbers

Commencement is appropriate time to do a by-the-numbers review of the academic year at UC Irvine.

Tiffany López, dean of UCI’s Claire Trevor School of the Arts

Community Canvas

Forming connections is critical to school’s mission of forging arts students’ pathways to UCI and beyond

Shadow of Anteater statue with Claire Trevor School of the Arts signage in the background.

Artful Horizons

CTSA students are passionate about giving back and fostering artistic endeavors

The Muriel Ansley Reynolds Exhibit Gallery at Langson Library is featuring a special exhibit titled “Snapshots of Orange County in the 1940s: Spaces, Places, Faces” through this fall. This shows the exhibit.

Exhibit explores O.C. in the 1940s

UCI Libraries’ curation team shares inspiration, intent behind displays

Bernadette Boden-Albala

Lessons From the Longest Year

This is not my first epidemic. Indeed, it was in the early days of HIV/AIDS, in a series of life-changing circumstances, that I was inspired to leave a planned career as bench scientist in cell physiology and embrace the study of public health. Partially motivated by tensions between the government and communities seeking answers to […]

UCI Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: New in-prison bachelor’s degree to transform lives

UCI LIFTED initiative will help lower recidivism rates through higher education

Arianna’s long path to the stars

UCI astrophysicist faces the universe’s darkness with help from those around her and from the stars above her

Year of discovery, growth at UCI

High points of 2009 range from the volleyball court to the operating room with demonstrations of drive and dedication by UC Irvine students, faculty and staff.