Dr. Michael Alkire

The search for consciousness

As an anesthesiologist, UC Irvine’s Dr. Michael Alkire wants to tackle what many neuroscientists see as the Holy Grail of their field – the biological basis of consciousness.

UCI neuroscientists play key role in new book

UC Irvine’s strength as a top institution for neuroscience research is well represented in the new book, “From Development to…

Vitamin B3 reduces Alzheimer's symptoms, lesions

An over-the-counter vitamin in high doses prevented memory loss in mice with Alzheimer’s disease, and UC Irvine scientists now are…

Vitamin B3 reduces Alzheimer's symptoms, lesions

An over-the-counter vitamin in high doses prevented memory loss in mice with Alzheimer’s disease, and UC Irvine scientists now are…

Researcher Kim Green

Vitamin B3 battles memory loss

An over-the-counter vitamin in high doses prevented memory loss in mice with Alzheimer’s disease, and UC Irvine scientists now are conducting a clinical trial to determine its effect in humans.

Retrieving sight

Research looks at how brain adapts when what you see isn’t what you get

Adult stem cells activated in mammalian brain

Adult stem cells originate in a different part of the brain than is commonly believed, and with proper stimulation they…

Defying gravity

Dr. Roger Walsh, professor, psychiatrist and philosopher, reflects on the uplifting power of meditation

Extreme aging

Dr. Claudia Kawas studies the oldest of the old in Laguna Woods

UCI study finds short-term stress can affect learning and memory

Short-term stress lasting as little as a few hours can impair brain-cell communication in areas associated with learning and memory,…