Ruth Mulnard

Nursing mind and memory

Ruth Mulnard, founding faculty member in UCI’s nursing science program, leads clinical trials to help Alzheimer’s patients.

UC Irvine Advisory: Wolpe

Paul Root Wolpe, Center for Ethics director at Emory University, will address “Is My Mind Mine? Mind Reading, Memory Suppression & Other Challenges of Neuroscience” as part of the Howard A. Schneiderman Memorial Bioethics Lecture Series.

Dr. Ralph Clayman

Medical school dean’s singular focus: healing

Dr. Ralph Clayman brings surgical precision and a singular focus on healing to his new role as medical school dean.

James Fallon

New stroke therapy successful in rats

People with impaired mobility after a stroke soon may have a therapy that restores limb function long after the injury, if a supplemental protein works as well in humans as it does in paralyzed rats.

Neuron stroke

People with impaired mobility after a stroke soon may have a therapy that restores limb function long after the injury, if a supplemental protein works as well in humans as it does in paralyzed rats.

Dr. Ralph Clayman

Patient advocate

Levity, gossip and idle chitchat have no place in Dr. Ralph Clayman’s operating room. The pioneer in minimally invasive surgery once asked a gabby colleague to leave in the middle of an operation because the chatterbox lacked focus. Clayman, a urologist so dedicated he gives his home phone number to patients, makes no apologies for […]

Compound created to boost anti-inflammatory fat levels

UC Irvine pharmacology researchers have discovered a way to boost levels of a natural body fat that helps decrease inflammation, pointing to possible new treatments for allergies, illnesses and injuries related to the immune system.

Leslie M. Thompson

Hope for Huntington’s patients

Leslie M. Thompson has her eye on a treatment for the fatal Huntington’s disease. Stem cells may hold the key.

MS pioneer and former medicine dean Dr. Stanley van den Noort dies at 79

Dr. Stanley van den Noort (pictured), a former dean of medicine at UC Irvine and a pioneer in multiple-sclerosis education,…

UCI neurobiologist Leslie M. Thompson

Race against the clock

Ask UC Irvine neuroscientist Leslie M. Thompson to describe how Huntington’s disease affects patients, and she replies by turning to her computer. “I can show you,” she says. She clicks on a video of patients she visited in Venezuela. On-screen, a middle-aged man stands on a street corner, swaying as if intoxicated. A woman, no […]