UCI team uses machine learning to help tell which wildfires will burn out of control

New technique could help authorities conduct triage in multiple-blaze scenarios

UCI-led team creates first high-resolution global map of surface ocean phosphate

Researchers also find plankton more resilient to nutrient stress than previously thought

In first-of-its-kind study, UCI researchers highlight hookah health hazards

Smokers exposed to toxic chemicals, ultrafine particles and carbon monoxide

Study examines a million corals one by one in urgent call to save reefs

UCI biologist among data contributors to large, unprecedented project

‘Committed’ CO2 emissions jeopardize international climate goals, UCI-led study finds

Existing, planned fossil fuel-burning infrastructure must be retired early, replaced

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5 junior faculty awarded $50,000 Hellman Fellowships

Five assistant professors at the University of California, Irvine will receive $50,000 Hellman Fellowships, which are bestowed annually to support research by junior faculty. They join an elite group of 53 UCI Hellman Fellows since 2013, when the Hellman Fellows Fund established the program here. The 2019-20 awardees, representing a cross-section of disciplines, are: “Each […]

Combination of water scarcity and inflexible demand puts world’s river basins at risk

UCI-led study examines consumption patterns and suggests resilience strategies

UCI to defend its title as the top school for sustainability in Cool Campus Challenge

During April, UCI will battle other University of California institutions in the 2019 Cool Campus Challenge, a contest to see which location can do the most to reduce its carbon footprint and spread the word about the importance of going carbon neutral. The systemwide competition motivates campus communities to support the UC Carbon Neutrality Initiative, […]

Improved land management project co-led by UCI gets $4.6 million in state funding

Data science will help identify best practices to preserve California’s forests, wildlands

Clean and green: UCI physicist helps invent novel way of converting nitrogen to ammonia

The ammonia you use to clean and disinfect your kitchen floor starts off as nitrogen, a gas that makes up almost 80 percent of Earth’s atmosphere. But the conversion requires the breaking of a strong triple-chemical bond in a high-heat, high-pressure industrial process. UCI physicist Huolin Xin worked with his colleagues at Brookhaven National Laboratory […]