Therapeutic lifestyle changes as useful as drugs in improving mental health

Getting more exercise, spending time outdoors and helping others are among the activities that can be as effective as drugs or counseling in treating an array of mental illnesses, including depression and anxiety, according to a UC Irvine study.

Baseball program marks 10th season since revival

Ten years ago, UCI baseball returned,and with a College World Series appearance in 2007 and a stretch as the No. 1 team in the country in 2009, today stands as one of the best programs in the nation.

Sarah Choi

With type 2 diabetes, family matters

UC Irvine assistant professor of nursing science Sarah Choi works with Orange County’s Korean community to improve care for the chronic disease by involving patients’ family and friends.

The bitter legacy of China’s one-child policy

UC Irvine sociologist Wang Feng examines the unintended consequences of China’s 30-year-old edict, which has has produced a serious gender imbalance, a ballooning percentage of seniors and a dwindling labor force.

Dr. Laura Mosqueda

Standing up for seniors

Dr. Laura Mosqueda is a pioneer in the prevention of elder abuse

UCI to host awards dinner for outstanding community health efforts

Institute for Clinical & Translational Science will honor 11 Orange County community health advocates and organizations at its third annual Chancellor’s Community Health Awards Dinner.

Bethel Mesgana, and Jasmine Fang with the Dalai Lama

Putting her heart into holistic healthcare

UCI senior and new Dalai Lama Scholar Bethel Mesgana is dedicated to compassionate medicine.

Arts production gives “Abraham” a modern spin

“Abraham & Isaac in Jerusalem,” a new Claire Trevor School of the Arts production about faith, aims to bring people together — in the theater and real world.

Kika Friend engages with a student from C.A.M.P.

CAMP counselor

Kika Friend helps prepare students in UCI’s California Alliance Minority Participation program for careers in math and science.

Honoring her heritage

First-generation college student Cheyenne Reynoso is intent on giving back to her Native American community.