Kieron Burke wins 2017 Bourke Award from Britain’s Royal Society of Chemistry

Kieron Burke, professor of chemistry at UCI, is the 2017 recipient of the Bourke Award from Britain’s Royal Society of Chemistry. Bestowed each year on distinguished scientists from outside the United Kingdom, the prize includes about $2,600, a medal and a certificate. As this year’s recipient, Burke, who is also a professor of physics & […]

UCI’s new 2-D materials conduct electricity near the speed of light

Substances could revolutionize electronic and computing devices

Astrobiology’s rising star

UCI new hire seeking life on other planets also has more down-to-Earth mission: boosting STEM diversity

A guiding light

Native American physicist blazes trail for others at UCI

Grant supports UCI bridge program to fill shortage of K-12 math and science teachers

With a $230,000 grant from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, UCI faculty, led by Richard Arum, dean of the School of Education, have embarked on a project to address the shortage of K-12 math and science teachers. They’re developing a bridge program that will enable community college students to transfer to UCI’s nationally recognized […]

Santa Claus

Santa vs. superheroes

UCI physics professor compares St. Nick’s powers to those of traditional caped crusaders

Student population growth at UCI spurs construction of high-tech classroom facility

New learning space is part of fast-paced campus building boom

9 UCI researchers named AAAS fellows

Honor is conferred for distinguished contributions to their fields

UCI team awarded $2.9 million by NSF for graduate training in data science, STEM

A UCI team led by Padhraic Smyth, professor of computer science and director of the UCI Data Science Initiative, is one of 16 interdisciplinary groups to share $47 million awarded as part of the National Science Foundation Research Traineeship program. UCI will receive $2.9 million, primarily in the form of graduate student fellowships, to develop “team science […]

Spiritual science

Physics professor’s book aims to bridge the divide between faith and reason