Amir AghaKouchak

Hydrological hat trick

UCI water and drought expert Amir AghaKouchak gets work published in three major journals within two weeks

Shoes on a beach

Summer romance: Will it last?

UCI researchers apply scientific method to study of how we receive affectionate messages

Cut branch from a heavily infested California sycamore

Regional beetle infestation prompts removal of UCI trees

An invasive beetle is prompting removal of trees on the UC Irvine campus

Making the most of life

Feeling blue? Anxious? Fatigued? Dr. Roger Walsh offers ‘Eight Ways to Wellbeing’

Moon launch

With Lunar New Year on the horizon, a UCI expert explains the origins and customs of the Asian holiday

Erasing violence

Allied against abuse

Interdisciplinary Center on Family Violence brings together community partners, faculty from 20 UCI departments to address multifaceted issue

Researcher testing air pollution in the Middle East

Hazy road to Mecca

Severe air pollution spikes during yearly pilgrimage, UCI and others find

Hazy road to Mecca

Dangerously high levels of air pollutants are being released in Mecca during the hajj, the annual holy pilgrimage in which millions of Muslims on foot and in vehicles converge on the Saudi Arabian city, according to findings reported today at the American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco.

Darlene Mulyanto

Fending off the flu

UCI expert discusses facts and fallacies about seasonal scourge and staying healthy through the holidays

UCI computer scientist presents SmartAmerica project at White House

UC Irvine computer science professor Nalini Venkatasubramanian represented the Donald Bren School of Information & Computer Sciences at the SmartAmerica Expo in Washington, D.C., this month.