UC Irvine Magazine, Spring 2024 cover
Spring 2024

From Microbiomes to Macro Impact

In this spring edition of UC Irvine Magazine, we highlight how the university’s research – “from microbiomes to macro impact” – is helping to tackle a wide spectrum of issues affecting everyday lives. “Another Step Toward Environmental Justice” details the multiyear efforts of campus researchers working in tandem with community leaders and local volunteers to finally address historically unsafe lead levels in soil throughout Santa Ana. “The Nose Knows Where Memories Go” explores research linking the olfactory sense with memory to combat the growing problem of dementia, while “A Beeautiful Gut Feeling” dives into how studying the tiniest aspects of a bumblebee’s anatomy may not only help save the fuzzy creatures from potential extinction, but also shed light on humans’ inner workings. A candid conversation with cultural anthropologist Mimi Ito covers the latest developments in AI and its potential societal effects. Finally, “Take a Walk on the Wild Side” pictorially showcases the flora and fauna of the UC Irvine Ecological Preserve, as well as the opportunity for Anteaters and the public alike to engage with the natural beauty of the great outdoors.

Magazine Articles

Mimi Ito

Generating the Future with AI

Three questions with cultural anthropologist Mimi Ito

Cole Morgan

Books: Vital yet Vulnerable

Reflections from Cole Morgan, assistant professor of English

Christina Zabat-Fran

Raising the Bar

Alumna demonstrates her pioneering spirit and legal prowess in both the fashion industry and an O.C. law organization

Chad Lefteris, CEO of UCI Health

Driving UCI Health’s Expansion

Q&A with Chad Lefteris, CEO of UCI Health

Digital illustration of a side profile of a human head and neck in a stylized X-ray effect, highlighting the skull and sinuses with bones in blue and sinuses in shades of orange

The Nose Knows Where Memories Go

Studying the connection between olfaction and the brain’s ability to remember things

Close-up of a bee on a honeycomb with surrounding bees slightly blurred, highlighting the textures of the bee and the honeycomb cells in shades of gold and amber.

A Beeautiful Gut Feeling

What do the fuzzy pollinators and humans have in common? A microscopic world hidden inside

Close-up of hands holding and inspecting soil outdoors.

Another Step Toward Environmental Justice

¡Plo-NO! Santa Ana moves forward with I-CLEAN study