
Dr. Steven Cramer

Improved treatment for stroke

UC Irvine Medical Center’s Dr. Steven Cramer works successfully behind the scenes to improve stroke treatment for Orange County residents.

A young student

Will you be my teacher?

Despite discouraging headlines, the prospects for highly qualified teachers trained at UC Irvine look good as older educators retire.

Faces with clocks projected onto them

Watching the body clock for better health

Paolo Sassone-Corsi is perhaps the world’s leading researcher on the body clock, and what he’s discovered may one day improve human health.

Freeway traffic

Traffic’s true toll

Dr. Ralph Delfino and Michael Kleinman lead efforts to understand how vehicle exhaust contributes to lung and cardiovascular illnesses. Their work confirms what most Southern Californians know intuitively: Living near a freeway isn’t good idea.

Chancellor Emeritus Ralph Cicerone

Baseball field named in honor of Ralph Cicerone

To recognize his support and love of the game, the baseball field has been named after Chancellor Emeritus Ralph Cicerone, who helped bring the sport back to UCI.

Robert Espero

Opening doors to learning

Robert Espero ’92 helps students with disabilities succeed in the classroom.

UCI reaches out to Iraqi schoolchildren

UCI students fill a need not met by traditional relief workers in Iraq – providing school supplies to children.

UCI's men's volleyball team

Kills, blocks and a national title

UCI’s men’s volleyball team wins ‘epic battle’ to brings home second NCAA National Championship in three years

Ryan Ammerman

The comeback kid

Ryan Ammerman, the 6-foot-9-inch senior setter for UCI’s National Championship men’s volleyball team, looks forward to more competition in his future.

Mary Amasia with her prototype anthrax detection system

Identifying a killer

Doctoral student Mary Amasia’s anthrax detection system permits a more rapid response to a deadly disease.